Song Demo – Words Fail Me

Last night’s whisky just landed an uppercut
Joe Frazier would’ve struggled to beat
But the real big surprise was
The straight left to my eyes
Would’ve knocked even Joe off his feet

I’ve been ….trying all day ….to stay focussed
But it’s fair to say I’m losing all hope
But as any boxer knows- if you can’t move your toes
You’d better hang on like hell to the rope

Ah, but what will I say to this man at my door
Says he’s seen the light
Oh, I could say ‘Glory be – hey, that’s happened to me
And it’s been glowing in my head all damned night!”

Guitar lead

I’ve a good mind not to say anything – not a word
As I’m certain that I’ve heard it, all his views
But he looks so smug, like he’s found a new drug
And he’s not here to sell, he just wants to tell me his news.

Ah, but what will I do with this man at my door
Says he’s seen the light?
Ah, words fail me! And they’ve never let me down before
Yeah, words fail me – failed me at my front door.

I bet I think of something really clever to say
When he’s out of sight and out of range.
Oh, words come and words go, that’s true,
But why must words fail me now…
Just when I don’t want them to… 


On the Edge of a Dream (August 22)

We’ve reached the 900th day…in the fortnight required….
to try to flatten the curve
But the people down here….man they’re really hard wired
and they’re grimly holding their nerve.


behind their steely resolve and a look of disdain
their eyes look remarkably dead
not helped i might add by the mask on their face
which damn near covers their head!

two eyes dart around as they walk down the street
and that’s about all you can see
so its hard to tell if they’re really that scared
but they look pretty worried to me.

said beady eyes at Dead Soul Books
the name of your shop is missing an R…
I thought… but instead i just gave him a look.

Once we wore gumboots… lived off the land…
made things from Number 8 wire
now we’re so weak we just shuffle about
Hiding our face like a liar

we’ve reached the 900th day…of the fortnight required…
in which to flatten the aaarrrgghhhh!


Music for thinking folks