Chas’s New Post

This is my Cousin Tony Bennett. Photo taken on his 21st Birthday-  its fair to say he’s not looking his best for this shot…..but not all “selfies” are satisfactory- even for those (like our Tone) who thought they were Anthony  Armstrong -Jones …..back in a time when people actually knew who AA-J actually was!! You can catch up with Tony on his web site called-Southern Farmer- check it out! . Rumour has it Tony’s coming out of retirement and will play bass on my next track……

The pastime of the scribbler.

Scribbling words onto a sheet of paper beats any other pastime bar one I can think of – and the good thing is you won’t wear yourself out doing it! You might go mad- but what the hell………..And while it’s hard to tell whether what you’re doing is good bad or indifferent- the trick is to keep going regardless.

writing, it’s pretty
hard to fake

The one thing that does beat scribbling down words though …. Is sitting at a piano searching for that elusive series of notes required to place around the words you’ve written. But that’s restricted to time, place, & mood etc, so can’t be done as easily. And unlike writing, it’s pretty hard to fake like I frequently did in a former life. I used to regularly sit in on work related meetings –and the time flew instead of dragged because most of the time I was trying to write something totally unrelated to the situation/scenario around me.

Continue reading The pastime of the scribbler.


Music for thinking folks