In World War One Australia and New Zealand shipped thousands of horses to the middle east.
When the fighting was over they were commanded to leave them behind… as the government “couldn’t afford to bring them back home.”.. As the troops had a low opinion of how the locals treated animals generally, most couldn’t bring themselves to leave the animals behind- especially after four years relying on the horse to survive. Check out The Broken Years- by Bill Gammage for the story. There’s a kiwi version of the story also but i can’t locate my book at this stage…..
Based on the poem by Trooper Bluegum
What’s the matter with me? Video
We’re all gettin’ younger, or something. This is that story. When you watch the video (known by the locals as Wassamadda-wimme) you’ll also be profoundly moved to ask “Whut th’ heck??”
Broken Dreams and Heartache – Video
Video: Outside In
Some Insight from the Inside out….
The lyrics on this changed constantly over about 3 years-with the final result bearing no resemblance to the earlier versions. For those who grew up in the country- I suspect its common to imagine like I did- that living in a big city would be much more interesting.
Video: Something About This Place
There’s Something About This Place
The original lyrics were scrapped a couple of days before recording and altered into a boy meets girls thing- proving I can work quickly when I need to! All I kept was the line (as per “2” in the blog entry on songwriting). Brendon’s artwork captures the story pretty well I think.